Yay we got the desks in a circle
Today we had a class discussion on Dewey. We were asked before the discussion to write down a few questions we had about the reading. Once of my questions was about students that may not have a positive home environment and how teachers would approach teaching those students. I was happy to see that I wasnt the only person who had similar thoughts. Much of our class time was spent talking about how teachers should influence students by using school as a social institution. Dewey also beleives that "school life should grow gradually out of the home life" But what happens if certain children are not nurtured at home? How does a teacher deal with this? How does a teacher (or anyone) determine what a child has learned is right or wrong, moral or immoral?
Another topic brought up was the subject material that Dewey believes should be taught in class. One girl, Kristin, interpreted that Dewey thought that subjects such as math and science are not very important in education. I think that Dewey realizes that some things are necessary in education; he may not agree that all subjects are meant for everyone, but I think he would agree that learning science and math can help advance a society and create many benefits.
I liked our class discussion today. I think people are still feeling each other out. I think that Thursday more people will want to speak up. I just wish we would have talked a little more about observations. I start tomorrow!!! Wish me luck =P Hopefully I dont fall in front of the class ha ha
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