Tuesday, August 28, 2007

What Do You Want To Learn From This Course?

I want to learn the latest tecnologies that are being used in the classroom. I also want to be more familiar with olden technologies so that I can use them more thoroughly and be knowledgeable with questions that my student may ask. I want fun, practical ways of using technology to conduct and English literature discussion. I want to be able to relate everything I learn in this class to my future classroom while gaining more tech skills.

The Benefits of Using Technology in Teaching are...

There are many benefits of using technology in teaching. Previously, I mentioned boring lectures. With the use of media or music, classes can become more interactive and creative. This helps to engage students and hopefully connect with them on various levels. Students learn in different ways, such as listening, seeing, or actually doing. With technology, students can have more access to whatever type of learning style they prefer. If a lesson is played through a projector, students are able to see and hear it. They can also use a pointer to interact with the lesson or site. The students also learn valuable skills that they can take with them into high education and job experience.

What Do You Think is the Biggest Challenge of Teaching with Technology?

I think the biggest challenge of teaching with technology is being completely knowledgeable and familiar with the technologies so that if students have any sort of problem, we can help them fix it. Many teachers are intimidated by technology and refuse to utilize them at all. Helping teachers to understand the importance and the ease of learning how to fully utilize technologies in the classroom will greatly benefit their own teaching experiences as well as the students' learning experiences. I feel that teachers my age enjoy working with technology, but it may prove to be a greater challenge with veteran teachers who are not accustomed to using so much technology in their daily lessons.

Teaching with Technology Means...

  • Being up to date with the latest techologies
  • Being able to relate to our students
  • Having a fun, interactive, and creative classroom
  • Understanding how to properly use technologies
  • Engaging students
  • Providing students with valuable life skills that they can use for the rest of their lives

o0o0o0o Technology

Hello! My name is Lauren. I like to pretend that I am extremely knowledeable about technology, and I guess I was...5 years ago. It seems that I may have been computer savy when I was in junior high, but my skills have not greatly developed since then. I know the basics: powerpoint, word, some excel, but my main source of technology comes from Instant Messenger and browsing the internet. I can crop and simply edit photos, and if I have 3 hours to spare, make my powerpoints have sound and really exciting add-ons. I have only taught using powerpoint, and most of the time is just get repetitive. No one enjoys lectures, even if they do have fun sounds. In this class, I hope to become fully capable of quickly and easily using more technology both inside and outside of the classroom.