I am NOT a problem child!
OK so im not gonna lie. During class on Tuesday, I was pretty ticked off. Prof. Winters was right- it started right off the bat. When she said that we were wasting time, we all had the same thoughts =) Me and Adrienne initially tried to write it off as crabbiness. Well it progressed and we got madder and madder ha ha. (Now its funny, then- not so much). The worksheet didnt bother me too much. I figure we might use it as a base for class discussion, or she was just checking to see who did read. What started to get to me was when Prof. kept telling us to be quiet. I knew we werent being that noisey, at least no louder than the rest of the class. She must have told us to be quiet at least 3 times and moved us just as much. I was ready to go out into the hall! Adrienne was most vocal about her anger; the rest of us just kind of talked under our breath ha ha. We were all pretty upset about the entire thing, and they it hit us that Prof. was trying to prove a point. Im sure had we not come to that realization, things would have gotten heated.
Prof. decided to move on, leaving us behind. She had a few of the "smarter" students come over to help us as she moved on with the lesson. She was quick to point out that we needed help and that we werent ready to move on. As we were trying to catch up, we just kept falling more behind since the lesson was going on without us. Finally, Prof. broke character and told us what was going on.
This was an interesting experience for our little group because we had never been put into a situation like that before. We go to IWU. We are the best of the best! ha ha We are the ones usually helping others. We are the "smarter" students. We dont fall behind =) So it was interesting to have a different perspective. As mentioned earlier, we were all upset at the way we were bring treated. We united as a group, turned against the teacher, and rebeled against our fellow students. We felt isolated in our classroom. Brittany was trying to catch up no matter what; Adrienne was ready to rumble; and the rest of us just checked out. (PS i was eating because I was hungry! not because i didnt care ha ha) I can easily understand why students fall behind and end up hating school. How can one learn in a non-supportive environment? We received no positive encouragement; the Prof. never came over to check up on us. She just belittled us and made us feel inadequate.
This is a huge problem in schools. As teachers, we need to pay attention to all our students and make sure they are getting the support and education they deserve. I know it is impossible to monitor everything, so the best thing to do is to provide students with resources, and to make them feel comfortable in the classroom. By doing this, students will know that they have a supportive environment and a supportive teacher that they can turn to for extra help. We also have to work closely and cooperatively with families to provide the best education for students.